Blue Marine Residence Offers

Stay and save 2024

The longer you stay, the more you save!

Stay and save offers in B&B

10% discount for booking from 2 nights in the period from 15.09 to 03.11

15% discount for booking from 3 nights in the period from 08.09 to 15.09

20% discount for booking from 5 nights in the period from 08.09 to 03.11

10% discount for booking from 5 nights in the period from 02.06 to 13.06 and from 31.08 to 08.09

15% discount for booking from 7 nights in the period from 25.05 to 29.06 and from 31.08 to 08.09

15% discount for booking from 10 nights in the period from 22.06 to 02.07

Offers subject to hotel conditions and availability.

Stay and save 2024
Stay and save 2024

Choose the offer and request a quote now!